I'm an adventure-seeking, yoga-doing, life transformation coach.
My personality is big, but my heart is bigger. My whole life I’ve always been the friend who will stand up for you, tell you the real raw truth, and stay up to all hours of the night immersed in deep life chats that make you both laugh and cry.
Online I like to share my daily experiences along with some of my favourite mindset hacks in hopes of helping others find simple ways to make positive changes in their life.
My goal is to inspire others to adopt new ways of thinking, take care of their bodies, and love themselves a little more each day.
If you want to get into the real stuff, the first thing you should know is that I have been where you are.
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I’ve walked in your shoes and I know the stress and anxiety weighing you down because I felt it too - for so long that it just became my ‘normal.’
I know the fear gremlins that live in your head and make you doubt yourself. And that bitchy self-critic constantly telling you that you can’t or that you just need to lose 10 pounds, or meet the guy, or make more money before you can be happy. Yep. I know her too. She’s the frickin’ worst.
I spent years wanting to up-level my life but feeling trapped in the confusion of what to do next, which path I should take, what career to adopt,
if I should follow my heart or just play it safe.
I’ve struggled through body image issues, self-loathing, obsessive dieting and exercise, anxiety, chronic stress, perfectionism and not feeling like I was capable of achieving my dreams. I was obsessed with what other people thought about me, dependent on the approval of others, constantly people-pleasing and running myself into the ground trying to make my life a ‘success.’
In 2015 I had this crazy idea that after college I’d decline all my corporate job offers and move to Europe without much money, a concrete career path, or a place to live. People thought I was insane, and I sort of did too. The fear ate me alive. I even drove 6 hours alone to another city in secret for a job interview just so my family wouldn’t find out what I was plotting.
What does it mean to truly live a life of freedom? I wanted to know. I was sick of following the path neatly laid out for me by society. I wanted more. I wanted adventure. Wonder. Bliss. Excitement. MAGIC. 💫
….and I got it. But it didn’t come easily.

I moved to Spain and started a new life where everything was hard - speaking, working, finding my way, making friends, missing home, even grocery shopping. (Try finding unsweetened almond milk in a Spanish supermarket I dare you, lol.)
I wasted time hating my body, then finally invested in learning how to transform it and treat it kindly.
I worked a handful of jobs, some that I loved and others that I hated. I was unemployed several times and had to learn how to scrape by while still holding the vision for my life. I quit, I got fired, got a dream job, then a toxic job, plus lots of travel, laughter and tears in between.
I asked for help, I invested in myself, discovered my passion and changed my entire idea of what I wanted my career to look like. Multiple times.

Almost 5 years later and I wouldn’t even recognize that confused and uncertain version of myself if I met her now.
I’ve dedicated these past few years to studying self-development, learning how to create my reality, master manifestation, love myself deeply, and design a life that I love waking up to every. single. day.
I’ve researched, studied, purchased courses, attended seminars, worked with mentors, and invested tens of thousands of dollars into my self-development over the years to be able to understand exactly how to transform my own life.
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And through that work I realized that all I wanted to do from there on out was help other women do the same. I was meant to walk this road of ups and downs, failures and breakthroughs, so that I could help YOU along your journey to creating the life of your dreams.