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Breaking Up with Bad Habits

What needs shifting in your life?What does your daily routine look like? What's something that you do often that you HATE or that you really try to avoid doing but end up doing it anyway?  It could be something like... Buying unnecessary things ($4 coffees erry damn day) Hitting sn...

How to Prep for a Fresh Start in Fall

It's a new month and a new excuse to declutter your life (physically or mentally) and start fresh. I don't know about you but I always feel like there are two separate 'starts' to the year - one in January and another in September.Summer is always kind of crazy whether its travel or wedding s...

Neuroscience Behind Self-Affirmations + The Ultimate Journaling Routine

THE WAY YOU TALK TO YOURSELF MATTERS.   The term "self-love" has gotten so popular that it almost feels overdone at this point. 🤭❗️But it's actually still really freakin’ important. ❗️You might be thinking, "What're the benefits of all this affirmation crap anyway?" Neuroscience research a...

What the Heck is Manifesting & How To Start

Manifestation can sound crazy, magical, ‘woo woo’ and a bit like complete nonsense if we’re being honest.  I meannn.... Attracting physical things and experiences into reality using the power of your mind?! C’mon.   I know it’s easy to be skeptical. I was too.   But once you experience it ...

3 Steps To Getting Your Sh*t Together

It's easy for us to move through life on auto-pilot, wake up every day and do relatively the same things and think pretty much the same thoughts.Actually though - according to research nearly 95% of our thoughts are the same every day (and 80% of them are negative, eeek😬)Which is exactly how ...

The Missing Piece to Reaching Your Full Potential

WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE Apologies for the slightly morbid start, but I promise I'm going somewhere with this! Stay with me for a minute.This is about recognizing that our time here is limited, so that we can stop playing small, focusing on the wrong shit, and holding ourselves back from all t...

What's Your Motivation Style?

MOTIVATION ESSENTIALS Knowing what motivates you is powerful, and essential if you want to stop starting and stopping when it comes to your goals- be it career, fitness, or health and wellness related. Some people are intrinsically motivated meaning they are self starters and no one can push...

No Motivation? Here's My Advice

WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU FEEL UNMOTIVATED?  As you've probably heard me talk about many times, motivation isn't something that we just have or don't have - it comes and goes in waves but the good news is it can also be created! A lot of times when you're feeling unmotivated to accomplish the task...

Overcome the Excuse of "I Don't Have Time"

“I DON’T HAVE TIME” How many times do we say this in a week? or even in a day?I don't have time to workout.I don't have time to meditate.I don't have time to cook a healthy meal...to read a book...practice yoga...keep a gratitude journal...the list goes on.This has been one of the hardest concep...

Change Your Mind About Working Out

LET’S TALK FITNESS Summer’s coming to an end, we’re gearing up for fall sweaters, pumpkin lattes, and holiday foods and parties so you might be wondering why I'm trying to motivate you to up your fitness game right now.Why bother, right?People are busy! And there's not that much comi...